Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Can we never Learn!

Why?! Why do we continually make the same mistakes?!

Greed! FEAR!

That's why! That word, greed is the cause of so many malaise that plagues the human kind. And my beloved Malaysia is no exception. With the latest tragedy of Bukit Antarabangsa, we are once again awakened to the wrongs that our council, state constituents and even government has been condoning to in the name of development, and all other reasons which are used as a camouflage for GREED!

We have been a people that are so inconsiderate when it comes to self-gain that we will do most anything. SELF GAIN... another word for GREED!

When will we realise that this quest for progress and self betterment without accountability and responsibility for the good of ALL(even in the absence of governance of law) will only bring us to our destruction. And this moral duty has to be an internal awareness and awakening. There is insufficient law in the world to govern the motives of the heart. And where the motive of the heart is not true to the good to all, then there will be a hazard waiting to happen. And it can turn into a tragedy!

FEAR! to do the right thing. Fear that we will pay the price for righteousness! Why? If every single ordinary rakyat decided to pay the price, there is no government / politicial party / army that can stop us! That is the beauty of democracy! And that is the system that we must decide to enforce for ourselve and our children and the generations to come!
This awakening only comes with mental and emotional maturity of all. It is when the people are matured in mind that we will tell the governing bodies to stop doing things that will harm Malaysia.

With the governing body insisting on progressing the majority of the Malaysian population from walking chair to WHEEL CHAIR, and anyone who dares to take us out is incarcerated thru the use of ISA, what hope to do we have! GREED & FEAR.... is that how we want to be governed?!

Well, we do have hope! In ourselves; to find the strength to do what we know is right. Even when it cost us to do it, let us boldly step up to stand for what is right. Do not let those who dare to start the right process stand alone. Show the world that we are truly a democratic state!

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