Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Can we never Learn!

Why?! Why do we continually make the same mistakes?!

Greed! FEAR!

That's why! That word, greed is the cause of so many malaise that plagues the human kind. And my beloved Malaysia is no exception. With the latest tragedy of Bukit Antarabangsa, we are once again awakened to the wrongs that our council, state constituents and even government has been condoning to in the name of development, and all other reasons which are used as a camouflage for GREED!

We have been a people that are so inconsiderate when it comes to self-gain that we will do most anything. SELF GAIN... another word for GREED!

When will we realise that this quest for progress and self betterment without accountability and responsibility for the good of ALL(even in the absence of governance of law) will only bring us to our destruction. And this moral duty has to be an internal awareness and awakening. There is insufficient law in the world to govern the motives of the heart. And where the motive of the heart is not true to the good to all, then there will be a hazard waiting to happen. And it can turn into a tragedy!

FEAR! to do the right thing. Fear that we will pay the price for righteousness! Why? If every single ordinary rakyat decided to pay the price, there is no government / politicial party / army that can stop us! That is the beauty of democracy! And that is the system that we must decide to enforce for ourselve and our children and the generations to come!
This awakening only comes with mental and emotional maturity of all. It is when the people are matured in mind that we will tell the governing bodies to stop doing things that will harm Malaysia.

With the governing body insisting on progressing the majority of the Malaysian population from walking chair to WHEEL CHAIR, and anyone who dares to take us out is incarcerated thru the use of ISA, what hope to do we have! GREED & FEAR.... is that how we want to be governed?!

Well, we do have hope! In ourselves; to find the strength to do what we know is right. Even when it cost us to do it, let us boldly step up to stand for what is right. Do not let those who dare to start the right process stand alone. Show the world that we are truly a democratic state!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Stand Up and be FREE!

"Mahathir's second reason for rejecting the notion that race-based politics were redundant was that racial issues were being discussed far more now than before the March polls.
"Race has become a central issue after the elections. This is far from the suggestion that people rejected racial politics during the elections," he said.

In summary, Mahathir said race-based parties, over the past 50 years, have been able to reduce debates on race and stabilised and developed the country.

I have a question that requires clarification!? How has the 51 years of race-based politics stabilised this country?! Everytime there is a hint of threat to UMNO, the party goons will use the party tag-line of preserving the Ketuanan Melayu.

Please allow me to emphasize that is it UMNO that feels the threat, not my Malay/Muslim brother and sister. Those who truly want to progress, grow and mature are being forcefully kept on the wheelchair of the NEP/NNA! Forcefully kept from maturing in thought and mind!

And this so-called stability brought by race-based politics ala-Mahathir has done nothing but increase the divide between the ruling parties and the common people. And to maintain control, the ruling class wants to continue keeping the majority race in a wheelchair (in the form of NEP/NNA)! Always waiting for the crumbs from their colonial masters of same race and religion!
Forever dependant, forever in bondage, never to be free!

All my Malaysian brothers and sisters, it is time we reject these lies and help each other and ourselves be free. Bring true freedom for our next generation, leave a legacy of a nation that is truly free and poised for growth.

Malaysia, wake up! stand up! Be FREE!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Baby walking chair being turned into a wheelchair?

As a nation, we are 51 years old, going 52. I believe it would be fair to say that Malaysia has matured and grown in all these years. She has become more secured in her identity and with maturity, she should be expanding into new territories. And by doing this, Malaysia would have become a dynamic and progressive nation. However, this may very well not be the case. Why is that? You might ask. Well, to explain means we have to go back a little into our upbringing.

When Malaysia was in its infancy (known then as the Federation of Malaya), there was a need for an "understanding" that we will assist the then "economically disadvantaged" to rise to a level where all can compete as equals. And this understanding was very quickly taken as a "social contract" to be manifested in the birth of the NEP. This is the proverbial "baby walking chair". It was a necessary tool then to help the infant nation onto her feet, ensuring all her people will walk together, side by side as family.

However, as logic would dictate, if we insist that the infant whose walking abilities have outgrown the need for a walking chair, is still being kept in the chair (not given any other opportunities to move without it), the child would grow up to be handicapped!

The question that begs answering is, why does those who say they are the guardian and protector be insistent on the continuous use of a growth equipment that is no longer relevant. Not only is this tool irrelevant, but is actually slowly being turned into a disability equipment - a wheelchair. Why?

The infant nation has grown, Malaysia has a people (all race, color & religion to be included) that would have been good enough to compete on a global level, if our "guardian" government had removed the "walking chair" when it should have been removed (when we were 15?). But because of the personal agenda of the few, the walking-chair is to be turned into a wheelchair, leaving Malaysia forever crippled, not knowing that she actually have very strong legs that just needed stretching!

Is this what we want to be as a nation? A CRIPPLE! We were born perfect with amazing potential and capabilities, but being brought up to permanently rely on a chair for mobility, never to be completely free to be ourselves and fulfill our dreams!

No.... we, the rakyat, must take a stand, WITHOUT THE WHEELCHAIR!(showing that it is no longer necessary)

Every rakyat must take a stand on THEIR OWN FEET and proclaim that we are ready to take our first real steps together as Malaysians, as a nation with a wonderful future. A future that ALL anak bangsa Malaysia can prosper in!

We are grown.... let us remove the wheelchair and move towards a future that we can be proud of.

To conclude, I would like to leave you with this article from one of the longest serving Vice Chancellor of University of Malaya. An educator of many anak bangsa Malaysia. Seriously think about the steps to removing this wheelchair.

No social contract among races says Ungku Aziz
Monday May 12, 2008 SHAH ALAM:

There is NO social contract among the country's multiracial communities, opined Royal Professor Ungku Abdul Aziz Ungku Abdul Hamid.The former Universiti Malaya vice chancellor said the social contract was "a fantasy created by politicians of all sorts of colours depending on their interest".Ungku Aziz, who did not elaborate on the subject further, said this at a forum organised by the Alumni Look East Policy Society.

The other panellists at the forum, which was moderated by Berita Publishing Editor-in-Chief Datuk A. Kadir Jasin, were former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Public Service Department director-general Tan Sri Ismail Adam.Speaking to reporters later, Dr Mahathir disagreed with Ungku Aziz and said a social contract did exist although not in written form."There is no written social contract. But there was an understanding among the founders of the Alliance that we should share."Tunku (first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman) gave one million citizenships to the Chinese, and in response, he expected the Chinese to give some support to the demand for independence and to the sharing concept. He didn't spell it (the contract) out 100%, but there was this understanding, not written," he said.

Dr Mahathir said the social contract was a social understanding, which included sharing the economic cake with the bigger portion given to the bumiputras "so, eventually they can catch up with the non-bumiputras."

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What Happened After 080308

Wow.... looking at the date, looks like an easy date to remember in the History books. A date where the rakyat of Malaysia made a decision that we have had enough of all the nonsense that is going on with the governance of our land. 080308 was a date where Malaysia found her voice and a backbone. It is a date when she said, we are mature and are no longer living in fear!

After this momentous occasion, what happened?

Well, .... actually, quite a bit. We started speaking up, exposing the truth and working for a change that we had voted for. Then, the powers that are decided that this had to end, so people were arrested under an archaic draconian law for the most ridiculous of reasons. And now, it would seem the rakyat are to be silenced with the usual scare and fear tactics again.

Are we to be bullied again? Silenced as in the past? I pray NOT.

The democratic system that we have voted in, is the system that which we must work in to bring the changes that we want!

When you think about it, does it matter WHO is in power when the rakyat are dictating the governance of the nation? I believe the answer is NO. So, how do we do this then?

The answer lies with every single citizen of this beautiful nation. YES, the answer is in U! How?

Well, apart from dutifully voting your conscience and value at every election, we can go to the ground of the government hierarchy to start effecting the positive changes that we want. Where?

In your very own neighbourhood, there is an ADUN that was elected by the people. This ADUN is answerable for their constituents, and it is through this ADUN that we have to work with to bring about the change we so desperately want.

When we, the rakyat, start getting concerned about how our constituency is being governed, and are prepared to work with the ADUN and the local councils to get things done, we are partnering for a change and taking charge (taking ownership).

NOW,... imagine when every single one of us does that, every constituency in the country has a band of rakyat working with the ADUN to improve our nation (starting with our own neighbourhood). At this point, we are definitely on our way to changing our beloved Malaysia to the nation that she is destined to be.

Our children will be proud to be identified as Malaysians. And you can tell them that you were an instrumental part of creating this legacy for them. For when each of us rise up to take ownership of our nation, we are democracy in action.

Why Blog?

In creating this blog, I believe it is necessary to state the reason I am putting my thoughts on a blog.

Like many of my fellow Malaysians, I am observing the happenings in the country. And on several occasions, attempted to take part in what would be considered as a historical period in our nation's history.

However, it seems that as I read and observe the reports, I have words and thoughts that I want to share and give out to my fellow countrymen. No mainstream media will publish any of this, and I am not the kind who will take to the podium at any street corner.

So, this would be the only available (and cost effective) option.

In writing this, I would also invite any comments that the reader may have. However, I am a firm subscriber to the saying “Words are the dress of thoughts, which should no more be presented in rags, tatters and dirt than your person should.” - Lord Chesterfield

Therefore, let your words be presentable as you would be.